Hello All, thanks for all of you who have left comments or written to me. If I haven't written you back yet, please bear with me as I have been taking a break and doing some traveling off and on with my wife. This is also the reason I was not at the San Diego Comic Con this year. But I hope to be there next year in force with some of my co-workers to show our wares.

OK well I'll have more once I'm back at it. But for now I pray you are all well and like I've told many of you, the best practice is to just draw! draw! draw!
And if you are in the Dallas - Fort Worth Area hurry up and go see the Star Wars Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit! Where I am part of a (pre-recorded) panel of WAY smarter peers talking about how science can influence movies, but also how movies have influenced science!
Ciao for now!
Dear Alex,
IS that your Jetta? Will you drive it as long as your Dad drove his? Got a chuckle remembering all the trips in the Jetta. You and Ericka should have saved it for your kids. Your Dad would have been proud! My boys check in on your site every once in a while to see what your are drawing. They will different times then try and draw the same pictures.
Great to see you doing so well!
God Bless,
Hello Beth! Thanks, and yes that's my VW, but it's not a Jetta, it's a Golf R32, the mother of all GTi's :-)
4 wheel drive and 250 horsepower 3.2 liter V6. It's great practicle fun, and the pictures was taken at one of the many 'track days' It's been to.
but yeah, I'm still a big VW freak!
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