OK, back from a much needed break. One big bit of news is CG Society just posted a very nice article about the work on Transformers and an overall look at my career in film design! Check it out! And let them know if you 'digg it' ,overall it was a very nice piece. There was no ILM art department in LA, it was the LA art department they sent me down to, and plenty of great artists there who deserve just as much credit, namely Ben Procter, Paul Ozzimo, Ed Natividad, Feng Zu, Tony Kieme, Ryan Church, James Clyne and more! Great work guys! They were responsible for the bulk of the design work of the robots.
I've got another month of Sketch of the day ready to scan in. I also hope I responded to anyone who emailed me recently, if not please forgive me and buzz me again.
I hope you all enjoyed Transformers, it was a fun, fast paced ride for sure. A little bit on the silly side for my tastes, but it worked in context. I saw it opening night with my family and a full house of TF fans who all seemed to eat it up with a cheer. My wife and #1 fan made sure that my credit was duely noted throughout the theater at the end.... thanks babe.
Oh and here's that Sub attack pic a little better resolution for ya.

I dig it! Thanks for the post.
I just want to know if you're latest works are done using the Cintinq tablet.
Not yet, the only project I've done on the tablet so far is top secret until '09! But I'll have others to post soon.
Cool Sub. There is no way that Zero is going to be able to pull out of that dive. Hope he can bail out.
I found the article very insightful. I'm still very impressed with the amount of work and effort that's gone into the design of the Transformers as well as the transformation sequences. The aesthetic appeal is probably the only reason I've watched the movie twice lol. Might be watching a third time tomorrow. Cheers!
Your world war II artwork is rather nice. Any prints for sale anywhere?
Hi!! i realy love you work here in mexico i am still wating for the movie and you other works are great i realy love the sketches on your web page keep the cool work
Very good work.
I came across you website and blog while trying to find out who did the concepts for TF. Great stuff! Congratulations on the film!
Hi ! I'm from Vietnam ! I'm really interested in art ! My dream is to be like you of course ! I am still studying about art and design ! I love all your artworks!
You did a great job on the designs too Alex. I was just looking at Ben Procter's site and I saw he had a link to yours. I have to say all of the artists that worked on the movie did an awesome job. I have been a fan of Transformers since the original cartoon from the 80's and this beats it. LOL.
I'm a fellow artist myself and working to get there.
Hi, This is coming from Singapore. Woah, the movie was a blast! I already watched it twice in the theatres and can't wait for the DVD release! I'm really impressed by the designs and hope that they will release a concept art book for the movie. Your designs are really awesome and is really an inspiration. Hope i will be able to be like you one day to make a living out of what i love!
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