Close up of the turret sensor pod
Top down view, here you can see the air-brakes and the offset barrel and hatch details
low angle on the barrel and the large blank spot below...
here's the rear view, still lacking the hatch and light details
nice low angle on the front 3/4
rear/ top view, again the air-brakes in their down position
Here's some more details on the high resolution tank model in Modo. Still plenty left to do, like the rear hatch, more barrel details and lots of small details like tie downs, bolts, cables and suspension parts. Also with this project I'll be doing an environment to place to the tank in a scene. All that still needs to be figured out along with all the texturing of the tank. I post some sketches of those ideas soon. For now enjoy these test renders of the gray shaded model.

the mean front end, still awaiting all the small stuff and below, the top of the turret