In a new article on VFXwolrd Roger Guyett (the ILM VFX Supervisor) talks about the designs and effects in the new Star Trek movie. He mentions how I worked together with J.J. Abrams and Scott Chamblis and Ryan Church on the design of the Enterprise and later on some of the effects designs as well.
Other great artists that also helped out on Star Trek are James Clyne who came up with the crazy Romulan ship, John Eaves who is a long time Trek designer, Tony Kieme who I worked with on Transformers and Yanick Dusseault who was Associate VFX Art Director with me at ILM. Also Jerome Moo, Warren Fu, Dave Yee, Didier Mathieu, and many others!
Just saw the film and was blown away. Props to all you guys! It was really inspirational.
Congratulations All around! i've seen it three times already. Needless to say i loved all the designs. Great work!
I remember seeing your lecture at the Gnomon Workshop Live. Your vehicle demo was really inspirational! Industrial Light and magic really set some landmarks on Star Trek! It was great to see an homage to the old design, with some newer additions to the world. Very big Congratulations!
Hello Alex,
very, very good Job! The Movie is No. 1 in Germany :) !
Lucas love the Movie too :)
M. - St. - L.
Alex!!!! great to see you here!!! i have had a devil of a time to get on your website and have been unsuccessful for as long as I can remember. Been trying to reach so I could tell you that i was sharing your artistic awesomeness on my blog,,, well now I know how to reach you!!! great to see you and loved all you did on the new one!!!!
Just got the new Cinefex and it cites you as designer for those half-dozen extra UFP starship designs on the new movie...?
yes I did get to design 5-6 other ships for the new film, mostly made out of parts from the Kelvin. Hopefully I'll be able to post those soon, unfortunately I need to get 'permission' to show work stuff :-\
I also got to revamp the Klingon D7 for the simulation sequence. There was also a Klingon Prison scene that was cut where we would've seen those better. Perhaps on the DVD :)
Heard and understood, no worries!
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