Hello All, thanks for all of you who have left comments or written to me. If I haven't written you back yet, please bear with me as I have been taking a break and doing some traveling off and on with my wife. This is also the reason I was not at the San Diego Comic Con this year. But I hope to be there next year in force with some of my co-workers to show our wares.

OK well I'll have more once I'm back at it. But for now I pray you are all well and like I've told many of you, the best practice is to just draw! draw! draw!
And if you are in the Dallas - Fort Worth Area hurry up and go see the Star Wars Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit! Where I am part of a (pre-recorded) panel of WAY smarter peers talking about how science can influence movies, but also how movies have influenced science!
Ciao for now!