So please go check it out available in both hard copy DVD or digital downloa

Disk 2: Vehicle Design With Alex Jaeger : Concept breakdown and Rendering

Also for those who buy the sessions, I'll be covering some follow up on building the Tank in 3D using Modo here on my blog. So check em out and then check back here for more updates!
thanks and I hope you are able to learn something from them!
God Bless
Watchin it right now, great stuff. Thanks for sharing.
These look great Alex!
Would you categorize them as intermediate level dvds or pretty advanced?
Hey guys, thanks for your interest. I would say these are advanced from the standpoint of how much of the process is covered, but I think it's applicable to any skill set or talent. It's not so over your head for beginners but also not so basic as to bore more advanced artists. As the focus is on the design fitting a story and not so much about the technique.
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