Hard to believe these sketches are that old already. These were done for a story I wrote back in college while attending CCS. It took place in Detroit in 2073 where C.Y.C.O. (CYbernetics Co.) was making advanced body modifications which then were used by gangs and so forth. The police had to counter the stronger gangs by mechanizing themselves in these power suits, created by who else.... JaegerTech :) So our hero, Sgt. Kyle Anderson is seen here wearing the JaegerTech bluesuit. Much like the Knight Sabers from Bubblegum Crisis it uses display readouts instead of clear glass visor. Each joint is powered by it's own flat-disc motor and the whole suite is powered by a near perpetual motion JaegerTech frictionless generator the size of a small frisbee. The whole story was going to be made into a comic book series but the company I was going to do it for vanished... It was also the start of me moving away from car design and into more concept design for stories.
Originals are ball point pen on 8.5x11 plain old Kinko's copy paper. Enjoy!
early greatness...i think i still have some Alex Jaeger Plain Janes original postcards lying around somewhere....I'll have to look.
Wow, neat to see some old stuff! Your work at AIP was always inspirational, as well. I wonder if you have any pictures of your old universal vehicle? That little model was pretty amazing!
lol funny to look back at old work-thanks for posting it, inspired me to dig through some old sketch books...heart-breaking btw to read about someone living in SF/bay area. We left our home there to come to Germany 6 mo. ago. Enjoy it for me!
thx for posting your work.
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