Hello all, well I finally got March sketch of the day scanned and up on the site, April is almost done so I'm slowly 'catching up' :-P . I Also added a few more pieces from some other Old "Wild" show. Not much else to report at this time. Still have a few things in the works and will share more about those in July. In the mean time, there are some great books just out. For a new look into the making of Star Wars, Jonathan Rinzler's new book The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film. This is a great new look into the stories and unreleased photos of making the original Star Wars. Also in that same line is Lorne Peterson's book, Sculpting a Galaxy: Inside the Star Wars Model Shop. this is a book full of great behind the scenes stories and photos of the modelshop's work on the Star Wars movies. (and it doesn't hurt that I'm in it :-P ) On another film, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean. Is an awesome art book packed full of , well... art and huge full page and even fold out size high quality prints of the great artwork from all 3 films. Aaron McBride, a fellow ILM co-worker is featured heavily in it as well as some Warren Fu, Brian Kalin-Oconnel and Wayne Lo, all ex-ILMer's. And many other great concept artists. Those should keep your eyes busy for a while.