Well, I've been quite busy lately, and have not had much time to work on my own stuff. But I do have some things in the works, as well as the sketch of the day still going (although behind a bit).
I've had a few questions about how I work, wether all digital or not. I mainly sketch on paper first although i've been trying more lately to start 'on the box'. I'm also looking into a Cintq tablet to help that :-)
Usually I'll start in ballpoint pen or do a small thumbnail and then blow it up as a guide. I'm not big on overlays, but I do at least one depending on how tight it needs to be. I also still do some of the drawing part in blue col-erase pencils and then scan those in and change them to black and clean up the line work to taste. I'll then put the line work on a layer (photoshop) on top and make it in 'multiply' mode. The do the color on a layer below. This keeps the lines from being covered up. Then as the color blocking becomes tighter and more detailed I may erase out some of the lines or make them less aparent. I used to have lots of layers, but have found I work faster if I flatten some layers as i go so I'm only working with 2-3 layers. One layer for black lines, one layer for color, and another on top for highlights. other times I may do all the shading in grayscale, and add the color with an 'overlay' layer so i can easily adjust colors later if needed.
Well, if you have any specific questions, please ask through the comments below or through my email.
In the mean time here is another 'work-in-progress' image I've had on the back burner. Now that Transformers has been made a reality, i can't wait to see what a Evangelion or Macross film would be like!