Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dressed up a sketch

So it's been over a year now since I started this blog. I hope to keep it up longer than I did the now defunct 'Sketch of the Day' I had on my website. But no worries, I am still sketching on a mostly daily basis, and have even had a chance to dress up a few of those sketches into more finished pieces. Like this one from May 6th. I did a series of racers and chose to flesh this one out a bit in color. I started with the original sketch and basically re-drew it with a bit more gesture. And cleaned up the sweeps with the path tool in photoshop. I dipped into Painter X for a second to add some smeary streaks and puddles on the ground and also played with a program called Alchemy to creat a splashy background element. It's never too late to keep learning new programs. I love having another arrow in the quiver.
enjoy and think above and beyond!


  1. WOW! Amazing! I really wish I could create images like that. It's funny...sketch of the wife started a photo of the day section on her blog (, and has had trouble keeping up. I think anytime you over schedule your art, you end up letting the "lookers" down. But it's a goal...for sure! Take care...

  2. This looks really awesome. i'm a huge fan of your work, and i just now found your blog. hah.I was actually looking at your work earlier today in the Ep 3 art book. Keep it up, look foward to the next ILM projects, or anything you're attached too.

  3. Thanks guys, I hope to put something new up at least once a month... for my own sanity :)
    God Bless

  4. I'm really impressed ! Your racer is so dynamic and your rendering is simply awesome ! You're talented for characters, landscapes, vehicles... Grrr I go back to work, I need to progress ! ;-p


  5. awesome rendering and technique, great details in the vehicle too. i'll have to check that alchemy program out.

  6. Beautiful rendering, Alex! Love it!
