Tuesday, May 20, 2008

10,000 hits!

Thanks for all of you who check this blog every now and then and for all of you who have left comments! The Blog just rolled over the 10,000 hit mark! Nothing to brag about in terms of #'s in comparison to other's sites, but not bad considering not that many people know about it. So please pass it on to your friends and thanks again for stopping by! I'll try and post something soon to celebrate, unfortunately my home computer is down and out right now :( , so please be patient.
Thanks again and keep thinking Above and Beyond!
God Bless
- Alx


  1. geez....i guess this is a heads up that you need to post more often. :-)

  2. Nice, 10,000! Just curious, have you ever thought about screencapturing your work? I know alot of those guys you work with at Lucasfilm and ILM have put out training DVDs, and I always find them to be really interesting, seeing how the different artists build up layers of stuff in their art. It'd be awesome to see you sketch out a car or something!
