Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Thanks to Aaron McBride, an amazing artists and art director, I was able test the waters of the whole 'NFT' world on Foundation. I decided to make my 1st piece (Gyro's Encounter) a snippet from a story I've been cooking up for a while. I'll explain more about that later. I also dropped another piece (JAEGERTECH FRS-32 R), one of the 1st JAEGERTECH mechs I designed for Nuthin' But Mech. Still learning all about this strange new world, while I am aware of the controversies some people see in it, it's also one of the few places that gives digital art some credibility as art, and there's A LOT of super talented master artists out there who only work digital now. So we'll see how this goes, but thanks for your support in my journey and I hope this will lead to more personal story art as well. Cheers! -Alx

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