Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some of my work on Pacific Rim featured in!

Several of the behind the scenes videos have been surfacing online this week. There's this one from WIRED that focuses on the building of the Jaegers.
      And there's a second one that features the all digital Hong Kong we had to build in order to accomplish the big city fight in the film.

     Although the film was massively overlooked (snubbed if you will) by the Academy, it's up for the BAFTA's for best Visual Effects and several nominations by the Visual Effects Society (VES) including my self for the category of best models in a motion picture. This is my third nomination by the VES and if we win would be my second award.
     I would like to congratulate fellow ILMer's Tim Alexander for his nomination for The Lone Ranger VFX and Roger Guyett and Pat Tubach for Star Trek: Into Darkness VFX. Good luck, it's a tough year for this category!

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