Friday, April 9, 2010

Tank proxy model

Here you can see the mean 'muscle car' expression in the front end design. Going back to what I talked about in the DVDs on the aesthetic reason for this as well as the real-world function.

In this angle you can see how the turret is neatly, and safely, tucked behind the shoulders...
Here's the proxy model of the Tank. Basically it's a low resolution poly model to block in the basic shapes. I found I only had to do a few minor adjustments from the drawing, so I can say the 2D orthos turned out pretty close so far! This will serve a base to build the higher detail model which will be a subdivided model in the end. It's best to make any major alterations at this point before adding all the extra details. I've already moved onto the high res model at this point, but I'll update on that in more detail. More to come.


  1. I love this vehicle! It's brutal and thuggish. I use a variety of software, but I've been getting into MODO as well. It's pretty terrific, although some aspects of the material editor are a little mysterious! But after I baked a few textures (in about 2 minutes!) I thought "okay, there's no reason to use anything else to do this anymore! I look forward to seeing how this vehicle shapes up. Thanks for your comment on my post, BTW! More stuff will appear - but time is - as always - the enemy...

  2. very cool, lookin forward to see it finished :)

  3. love the turret...T72's were always cool looking, very futuristic tanks.

  4. Looks awesome Alex. I need to sponge more of your modo skills.

  5. Looks awesome Alex!! Need to sponge more of your Modo skills.
