Friday, June 12, 2009

it's 'Alex Jaeger' week at the Drex files!

Doug Drexler has been digging up some old Star Trek : First Contact artwork on the ships I designed for that film. Earlier he focused on the Saber Class and Steamrunner Class, and today is Akira Class day! So check out the posts and the comments! I'll get some new stuff up here soon I hope :)


  1. Sweet! I needed some new spaceships for my wallpaper, and your FC ships are some of my favorite TNG ships.

    And the Steamrunner is supposed to be named after a Mortal/Fold Zandura song? Awesome! Back in the 90s, I saw FZ once with Plankeye and once with Ghoti Hook, I think. What a fun time for music that was.

  2. Wow!!! just saw the rest of your work on Doug's page!!!! Awesome to se it all coming around again!! great work Alex! Hey BTW do you know the actual length of the new "E"???

  3. Thanks guys!
    The actual length of the the new E from the film is Big... 2500 ft according to my chart, but that was early in production, I forget if we shrank it back down some. It was basically what ever looked good in the shot :-P

  4. Thanks, It was bigger when I was on the show,,, It was being tossed around between 5000, and 3000, feet in those early days!!! Would you mind if I unofficially used that figure to do a scale comparison on my blog??

  5. I doubt you thought this ship would be a fan favorite when you started doodling her, and definatly didn't expect them to base the ship for a new Star Trek series off her!

    By the way Alex, Do you have anything else about the Norway class? She really seems to be the problem child Starship that everyone tries to forget about, although personally I like her, she just needed fleshing out a bit more :-)

  6. great stuff. the ship from "Enterprise" looks alot your design here

  7. Alex: since you scaled up the design from 1200 feet (Cinefex) to 2400 feet or so, does the ship have twice as many decks, or are they a lot taller? Could you tell us which details on the model exterior you had to rework specifically because of the size change? Some people are worried that the design won't make sense at twice the size, but the Cinefex article suggests that you did make certain changes to the model to make it fit.

  8. Your tenure on the whole Trek-experience may have been relatively short, but boy did you make an impact with those four ships, it has kept starship fans busy for years...Great job...I do hope you you find something more on the Norway later, it would make a lot of people happy...
