Thursday, April 5, 2007

April 8th Happy Easter!

Well, March was a busy month! But everything is going well. Transformers is on track and looking awesome, and I've managed to also secure a few good freelance jobs as well. So my Sketch of the day has taken a bit of neglect already, I think I'm only up to March 24th right now. But I'll get back on track a bit this weekend. Speaking of this weekend I pray you all have a good Easter as we celebrate the biggest holiday (at least for those who know the real menaing of it, and not the holiday about bunny's laying eggs and leaving them all over the place :-)
Yes it's the basically the whole point of Christianity, the sacrifice and resurection of Jesus Christ for the sins of the world. ('the world' is YOU and ME, and yes we ALL sin) In fact I think it's funny that people think that Christians are 'goody two shoes' and that they've got it all together. In fact someone who believes in and accepts Christ as the Son of God is claiming that they are indeed NOT perfect and NEED a SAVIOR. The fact that they choose to take the steps to become 'right' in God's eyes is not really they're doing either. It's like if you're dying, you need a cure. And then you get a package in the mail for free. And there's a letter on the package that says what it is and how amazingly expensive it was, and it's the cure and something you've been looking for your whole life, but yet you leave it sitting on the floor in the entryway. Get up and open it up!
"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." -- C.S. Lewis

Well, I'll be updating the Sketch of the day this week, so please check back often!
And don't be shy, leave a comment!
Hope you had a great easter and continue to think above and beyond!


  1. Hey Alex, I found your blog while geeking out on some stuff about 'Akira' starships. I appreciate your words about Easter - it's always encouraging to hear about other Christians involved in art and culture. I can't wait for Transformers next week!

  2. Hi Alex, I got to your blog from CG Society's article about your work on Transformers. It was especially nice to hear a bit more about your outlook on life here in your art blog, so I thought I'd just say hi and thanks. I appreciated your thoughts on Easter.
