Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Post Comic Con Reflections

Now that things are settling down a bit after the San Diego Comic Con, I'd like to thank Lorin Wood and Scott Robertson for letting me join the signing session at the Design Studio Press booth for the Nuthin' but Mech book. The book was a HUGE hit! It sold so fast that they had to hold back a box on Friday so we would have something to sign on Saturday. Those sold quickly and were all gone before the end of the signing. You can purchase it on-line through DSP or Amazon in a few days (August).

     Also thanks to Jen, Greg, Nak and Miles for setting us up with the ILM Art Department booth. It was a hit as well and many stopped by to tell us we should always be there :)

     And thanks to those of you that were there and stopped by, and those who bought some of the JAEGERTECH prints I had for sale, as well as the Gnomon DVD's. Thanks!  I do have a few prints left over that I will be offering for sale soon, as well as some new ones. I still need to work out the details what store formate to use yet, but stay tuned! In the mean time if you are interested in a print just email me and I'll give you the info.
     The Pacific Rim trailer footage was a MASSIVE hit as well! It's definitely on people's radar now and it even out shined the Man of Steel, Hobbit and Ironman 3 panels! So cudos to Guillermo Del Torro and the hardworking crew at ILM for that! I even met Hugo Martin who did the initial designs of many of the 'Jaegers' and even the teaser poster. Awesome job Hugo!

     And Finally, a great big thanks to all of you that helped fund the SILVERCORD Kickstarter project! We went from less than half (16,000) with 2 days to go to fully funded (40,000) with 17 hours to go! Amazing! And now we'll get to working on that second book asap!

    Thanks again everyone for a successful and fun Comic Con, and I hope to see you there next year!
keep living Above and Beyond!

Friday, July 6, 2012


Next week is the big one, the 2012 San Diego Comic Con! And I'll be there... at a booth... with things to share, show and even sell! I'll be there for several reasons so if you're there stop by and say hi:
Oh by the way our table will be right next to the tank full of live snakes! click here to see why

  (1) First of all I'm going as part of the ILM art Department booth. Our first time doing this but we're excited to get to share some insights into what we do and how we do it. We'll be the small table within the giant Lucasfilm area. We'll have Ralph McQuarrie art on display along with art from the past 35 years of ILM. All 4 of our VFX Art directors will be on hand for demos and a panel on Art Direction Friday July 13th in room 7AB from 1-2pm.
So stop by and see what we have to offer and say hello!

  (2) Secondly we are celebrating the late great Ralph McQuarrie's art and his massive contribution to the Star Wars universe and to us as artists. There will be a tribute to him at the panel discussion on Friday July 13th in room 7AB from 1-2pm.

  (3) I'll be selling some art prints from the new Nuthin' But Mech book that comes out at Comic Con. (The books will be at the Design Studio Press booth) I have made a limited run of 11x14 archival prints of the mechs I designed for the book. They are printed on heavyweight matte stock paper with archival inks.
I'll also be selling a few copies of my Gnomon DVD series for a discount. 
  (4) And if you haven't heard the buzz yet, director Guillermo Del Toro is making a new EPIC movie called Pacific Rim, which I am currently working on. He will be presenting something special in Hall H on Saturday 2:30-5:00 during the Warner Bros / Legendary Pictures panel. So be sure to camp out for that because it is sure to be amazing!

  (5) And finally, The Silver Cord. I'll be on hand with a hard copy of the 1st book, and a flyer with links to where you can download it FOR FREE and links to the Kickstarter page to help us fund book 2. Only 13 days left to go and we still need LOTS of funding! If you read book 1 and liked it, please help there be a completion to the story and donate to be a part of the second book ASAP!

    OK, time to get ready, I hope to see you there!
geek out above and beyond!
